Welcome to my world.

40 years ago I went to beauty school—I’m still behind the chair and loving it!

Hair was not my first love. Photography was where I discovered my creative side. I often point out that those vocations go pretty well together

Growing Out Your Grey!

Growing Out Your Grey!

So, you’re ready to embrace your grey; or at least you’re considering it. Now what?

Covid has had many of my clients pondering the need or even desire to cover their grey. I've already completed the transition for some and for others, we’re talking and charting a course; it’s both scary & exciting! First an foremost, I want you to feel confident and comfortable! Please keep in mind that you do NOT have to simply quit coloring! Blending your current grey situation with your former color is easier than you might think! I have several options for you! Options that are painless and not too pricey! Book a consultation and let me share the directions we can take to get you there. The best part is that if at any point in the process you change your mind, we can cover it again! That’s one of the great things about hair color; you can always change it! Yay! I’d love to come along side and help you…after all it’s your hair, your money and your time!

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Let Them be Little...

Let Them be Little...

Perfecting Your Hairstyle

Perfecting Your Hairstyle