Welcome to my world.

40 years ago I went to beauty school—I’m still behind the chair and loving it!

Hair was not my first love. Photography was where I discovered my creative side. I often point out that those vocations go pretty well together

Because God Cares for You

Because God Cares for You

How many times have you sat and grumbled about your life? How often do you feel like things are not going your way; didn’t get the promotion, didn’t get a call back, got ghosted after a date, plans got cancelled, vacation got scrapped, business is slow or your marriage ended. These are all things that God has purposefully planned to teach us how to move forward gracefully.

Took me some time to let this sink in but now I check myself often…am I listening?

When we piss and moan (as my dad would say) about our lives, we are saying to God that we don’t like the plan he has for us. God’s plan, His timing and His love for us is actually perfect! We need to trust it! He has bigger and better plans in store for you!

Let It Go Day!

Let It Go Day!

The Beloved Peony

The Beloved Peony